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Proof of Concept Journey of Pretty Email 

poc process of Pretty Email plugin

Following the success of the Notification plugin, we knew that personalization was the direction we would pursue. Thanks to feedback, we were easily able to identify the needs of the WordPress community, whose main issue is ugly, generic emails. For this reason, they often switch to mailing platforms.  Yet, this could be done natively on […]

WordPress Administrative Notifications: 3 Advanced Methods for Integrating Custom Code

blog image 3 advenced methods for integrating custom code with Administrative Notification

As a marketer diving into the technical realm, I’ve often highlighted the benefits of implementing a notification strategy on WordPress sites. Now, it’s time to delve into a more technical yet crucial topic: the role of administrative notifications in WordPress site management. This exploration takes us into areas more specialized but no less vital for […]

How to Solve WordPress Email Notification Issues. Step-by-Step Guide.

Solving WordPress Email Notification Issues: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you experiencing challenges with WordPress email notifications not arriving as expected? This is a common problem in the WordPress community, but don’t worry. This guide is specifically designed to solve the “WordPress email notifications not working” issue. Giving you the right knowledge and tools, we aim to turn this perplexing problem into a manageable […]

How to Send a Notification about adding a New Post on a WordPress Site using Notification?

How to Send a Notification about Adding a New Post on a WordPress Site Using Notification?

Are you investigating how to enhance user engagement on your WordPress site? Wondering how to ensure your audience doesn’t miss out on your latest content? Let’s explore an effective solution: sending notifications for new posts using the versatile Notification plugin by BracketSpace. Notifications are a powerful tool in the digital space, particularly for WordPress site […]

Improve WordPress Notification: More Than 4 Tips to Discover Your Audience!

Who Gets Your WordPress Notifications? More Than 4 Tactics to Discover Your Audience cover photo

For anyone involved in marketing, terms like target audience, buyer persona, and ideal customer profile are essential. However, these concepts are not just for marketers. They form the foundation of brand strategy. In the realm of digital communication, whether it’s your website or social media, targeting the right audience is crucial, especially given the intense […]

How to Optimize GDPR Consent Using WordPress Admin Notifications?

Using WordPress Admin Notifications to optimize GDPR consent

Ever wonder how much the internet knows about you? How big of a digital footprint you’re leaving behind? I’m not just talking about tracking data but also the information we willingly give when signing up on websites, setting up accounts in online stores, or making online purchases.  If you’re here because you manage a WordPress […]

10 Steps to Sending Effective WordPress Administrative Notifications to Users

Women check 10 stepts to send effective notifications

WordPress has evolved considerably since its early days as a simple blogging platform. Today, it is a robust Content Management System (CMS) used by businesses and organizations globally. Whether you’re an experienced site administrator or a budding newbie on WordPress, we have something for you that should hold your attention. Today, we will delve into […]

AI and Machine Learning Transforming WordPress Admin Notifications

AI and Machine Learning: Transforming WordPress Admin Notifications, robotic hand

Hey there, fellow WordPress enthusiasts! As we all know, the WordPress ecosystem is constantly evolving, and we at BracketSpace are always excited to share the latest industry trends with you. Today, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) and their role in WordPress administrative notifications.  You’re probably fed […]

Custom WooCommerce Notifications. Step-by-Step Guide

a woman sits at her computer and shops online on the WooCommerce platform

Notify your customers with personalized, action-driven messages without expensive, 3rd party WooCommerce integration. Create custom notifications inside WordPress – no coding experience required! In this article, you will learn: For e-commerce and marketing, there is a next big thing around the corner every year, yet emails are going strong since… 1971. That being said, email […]

Why do Prices for WordPress Website Range from $200 to More than $100k?

woman sitting at a computer with money wondering about WordPress prices

The WordPress platform has become famous for businesses and individuals looking to create an online presence. With its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and a vast array of features, it’s no wonder it powers over 40% of websites on the internet. However, when it comes to the cost of building a WordPress website, there is a considerable […]

Push Notifications for WordPress

Push Notifications for WordPress - BracketSpace

Imagine a world where YOU have full control over push notifications on your WordPress site. No complicated third-party apps, and all data safely stored on your server. In this article, you will learn how to: