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Notification : Conditionals

Notification : Conditionals

The conditional logic which helps you to send only these notifications which really matters. Endless configuration possibilities.

Combine Conditionals with other Notification Plugin extensions

Send only those notifications that need to be sent

General, text, and numeric operators

A powerful extension for those who want total control over which notifications are sent to whom.

By defining the cases for processing or not processing the trigger, you can determine whether in the specific situation the notification will be sent or not. To give a simple example: you can notify the post author about their post being published by anyone else than them. Isn’t that cool?

Notification : Conditionals 1

The Conditionals works with all types of triggers and notifications. This extension gives you endless possibilities to control what is sent and what is not.

Mix it with some of the other useful extensions, and your notifications will come to a completely different level!

Available operators


  • is equal to
  • is not equal to
  • is empty
  • is not empty


  • contains
  • doesn’t contain
  • match regular expressions


  • is less than
  • is less or equal to
  • is greater than
  • is greater or equal to

Possible use cases

Listing even a fraction of the possible cases would take an enormous amount of space and time because with this extension you can do really a lot! Below are just a few examples of how you can use it.

You can send a notification to all your users when the post with a specific combination of categories and/or tags has been published.

Notification : Conditionals 2

You can get an admin notification not only for every plugin update, which can be a lot in some cases but for every significant plugin update (f.e. 2.5.7 -> 3.0.0) so you can focus on important things only!

Notification : Conditionals 3

And finally, with the addition of Notification: WooCommerce you can send a special email to the customer who placed the thousandth order in your store!

Notification : Conditionals 4

There are a lot of possibilities with this essential plugin. It integrates automatically with all other extensions so you can create many advanced scenarios in your notification system.


Billed annually


  • Changed
    Notification v9 compatibility.


  • Added
    Date operands: is before, is after, is before hour, is after hour, is day of week, is month.
  • Changed
    Notification v8+ compatibility in the Upgrader logic.


  • Fixed
    Edge case where multiple posts were processed in the same request, causing the condition check to fail or succeed all of them.


  • Fixed
    Warning related to field resolver.


  • Changed
    Plugin codebase to match Notification v8 internal API.


  • Added
    More comparison operators: less (or equal) than, grater (or equal) than, empty, not empty, regex match.


  • Changed
    Vendor relative path to absolute path.
  • Changed
    Version 7 compatibility.


  • Changed
    Notification v6.0.0 compat.


  • Fixed
    PHP 7.2 compatibility
  • Fixed
    WordPress Coding Standards compatibility


  • Changed
    The field resolver to match the Notification v5.2.0 workflow


  • Added
    filter for resolved values


  • Initial release
  • PHP: 7.4 or greater
  • WordPress: 4.9 or greater
  • Notification plugin

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Notification : Conditionals

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